“We can’t all do great things, but we can do small things with great love.” ~ Mother Teresa
Our volunteers are wonderful. They make it happen!

How can you help Babies in Need? Here are a few ways:
- Host a shower at home, work, school, club or church. Shower ideas here.
- Sort donations and assemble layettes with us or at home.
- Donate your homemade quilt or store bought receiving blankets.
- Fold brochures and booklets.
- Tell your friends and family about Babies in Need!
- Download the Babies in Need brochure here and share it with others. (Flip on short edge to print.)
These are some ways our supporters have helped our little ones:
- St. Stephens Episcopal Church in Longview works with staff at PeaceHealth St. John’s Birth Center to deliver our layettes and car seats to those who need them.
- Ray Johnson is a visionary leader. He led the people of First United Methodist Church and others in building a new home for Babies in Need. Click here to read the amazing story: Miracles and Blessings!
- PeaceHealth Southwest provides diapers for every layette.
- Gentle Thunder gives Winds of the Heart, soothing Native American flute music through her Peaceful Transitions CD Gifting program.
- Kiwanis Clubs set up Christmas Giving Trees in over 20 local restaurants and businesses every December. They’ve held annual drives for Babies in Need every year since 2006!
- Saint Luke~San Lucas Episcopal Church prints Walk into Prayer for our layette gift packs.
- High School students raised money for car seats with a huge book sale.
- Brownies made soft receiving blankets.
- Girl Scouts created a book for siblings: My Baby and Me
- Many groups passed the hat or held baby showers.
- Clark College students created lovely receiving blankets.
- People like you spread the word.
Email Kitty at kittyash2@msn.com to request:
A speaker to present a 15-minute talk on Babies In Need to your group.
A packet on How to Start Your Own Layette Ministry. We’d be happy to help you get one started in your community.
Thank you for caring and making a difference!

Meet some of our faithful volunteers