A huge thank you to our donors and volunteers!
Whether you provide financial support, layette gifts, your time for sorting and assembling or any of your many other skills… YOU make everything we do possible. Your gifts are more than just practical necessities for our families. They create hope and bring tears of joy to those you empower us to serve. Your endless generosity continues to fill our hearts with gratitude. Your help matters so much more than you can imagine!
Angels ~
ACT Foundation
Battle Ground Adventist Diaper Bank
Bethel Lutheran Church, Brush Prairie
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Humanitarian Resources
Shari Blakey
Jayne & Robert Doyle
First Presbyterian Church, Vancouver
Hatton GIBO Charitable Fund
Mill Plain United Methodist Church
Jordan Nylander, new classical music pianist, organist, teacher, composer
PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center
St. Lukes – San Lucas Episcopal Church, Vancouver
St. John Presbyterian Church, Camas

Memorials ~
Barbara Bensing
Dottie Bloomquist
Mari Hampton
Mildred Hassler
George & Lois Stearns
Mary Lou
Community Groups ~
Affinity Living, Residents
Clark County Quilters
Eagles of Washougal
Fargher Lake Grange #853
GFWC Battle Ground
Kiwanis, Battle Ground
Kiwanis, Cascade Park
Kiwanis, Fort Vancouver
Kiwanis, Salmon Creek
Minnehaha Grange #164
Mom’s Club of Battle Ground
PEO Preceptor Beta Phi
Pomona Granges
Project Linus, Vancouver
Project Linus, Washougal
Pythian Home Residents
Sherry’s Babies, Castle Rock
Volcano A’s
Women of the Moose, Camas #1492
Women of the Moose, Dollar’s Corner #1317
Women of the Moose, Vancouver #0970
Xi Alpha Sigma #1865

Businesses ~
Athena Home Care Services, Hazel Dell
Craft Warehouse
Denim and Frills, Hazel Dell
Heavenly Quilts & Fabrics, Onalaska, WA
McDonald’s of Clark County
Partners38, LLC, Accounting, Vancouver
Perfect Look Salons, Vancouver & Portland
Satsuma Designs
Touchmark at Fairway Village, Vancouver
The Quarry Senior Living, Vancouver

Faith Communities
All Saints Episcopal Church
Community United Methodist, Battle Ground
Community United Methodist, Ridgefield
Bethel Lutheran Church Women, Brush Prairie
Church of the Good Shepherd, Vancouver
Crossroads Church Mom’s Ministry
First Presbyterian Church, Vancouver
Glenwood Community Church, Quilters
LDS Ward, Battle Ground
LDS Ward, Fern Prairie
LDS Ward, Harmony
LDS Ward, Orchards
LDS Ward, West Vancouver
Mill Plain United Methodist Church
Real Life Church, Vancouver
St. John Lutheran, Vancouver, Dorcas Quilters
St. John, Presbyterian, Camas
St. Luke ~ San Lucas Episcopal Church, Vancouver
St. Paul Lutheran Church, Outreach Circle
St. Stephen Episcopal Church, Longview
Trinity Lutheran Church & Mission Sewers
Zion Lutheran Church, Camas Quilters
Please note to protect the privacy of individual donors, we do not list those names on our website.