How we began…
In 1999, a group of women from All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Vancouver, Washington, came to the aid of local needy newborns. They were soon joined by people from other churches and community groups. They collected clothes, blankets, diapers and car seats for layettes that could be given as needed to babies born at our local hospital.

It all began with a chance remark after church one Sunday. A woman who worked as a social worker at Southwest Washington Medical Center (now PeaceHealth Southwest), was explaining over coffee that she’d been hunting for some clothes and a car seat for an impoverished mother. Another new mom was ready for discharge… but she lacked the bare essentials for her baby.

Most women are joyful at the birth of their child. For some, however, this is also a time of despair, fear, and worry. These are the unsupported women. They may be homeless, victims of domestic violence or substance abuse, or undocumented immigrants. There may be a father present, but unable to work because of recent medical problems or a job loss. Or, they may have extensive hospital costs because of prematurity, birth defects, special needs or other unforeseen circumstances. These mothers/parents are unable to provide basic clothing, blankets, and/or car seats for their babies. They are ready for discharge but don’t have a diaper or a baby gown.
About 500 babies are born every month in Clark and Cowlitz counties. The six layettes we needed every month in 1999 have grown to 26. The five car seats we needed then have grown to 14 a month.

What began with three women has grown to an outreach composed of 20 churches of 10 denominations; 40 business, service, social and community groups, and several hundred individual donors of time, talent, treasure and layette gifts.
It is a joy to serve these little ones. This ministry will continue to be here to help and serve our community because of people like you.

Miracles & Blessings – Our Own Building
2011 was an exciting year, a year of miracles and blessings! Each event was evidence of God’s grace. Taken together, they were a series of blessings that arrived just when we needed them – not in advance, and never too late. We thank God for these blessings; they built our faith as we built a building in order to serve our neighbors more effectively. Babies In Need had moved four times since 1999 to accommodate its steady growth and finally overflowed… Read more.